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22nd Century Management

This Management Training Consultants company exists to help managers in the service industries learn the skills they need to successfully lead their teams, exceed expectations, and provide outstanding customer service.

Hi. I'm Ken Edmonds

I want to share a little bit of my background.

  • 10 Years in the Air Force, troubleshooting equipment and leading a team.
  • 5 years owning my own copier dealership.
  • 5 years as a service manager for copier dealerships
  • 18 years working for the manufacturers as a district service manager.
During my career,Ā I was privileged to attend management training in every position I held.Ā Ā 
I also had the opportunity to work closely with more than 40 other service managers helping them improve.
In that role, I saw managers fail, survive, and thrive,Ā and I analyzed the reasons why. In that time, IĀ identified aĀ pattern to success.

Helping Managers in Field Service Industries


I share that pattern of success with managers in field service industries. This helps them improve their leadership ability, teaches them to be better leaders, motivating their teams to exceed expectations and provide world-class customer service.


I offer a unique coaching program that focuses on one on one coaching. The sessions are 15 minutes in length, and after each session you will have action items to work on that are designed to help you move forward. My coaching program includes unlimited sessions for the year. To learn more, please fill out the form and we will schedule a How Can We Help You Call.

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Service Management Training

Live distance learning comparable to a college level course. This course builds the skills that managers in any company need to be successful.

These skills include managing people, serving customers, understanding metrics and how to improve profitability.

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Technical Training

Online, self-paced troubleshooting course to improve technical skills. The course teaches a troubleshooting process that will significantly reduce cost and time for dealers.

Technicians that complete this training will make less trips and spend less on part while solving problems more quickly.

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