Get Ready to Face the Future: BTA National Meeting Highlights Major Issues Facing Service

Get Ready to Face the Future: BTA National Meeting Highlights Major Issues Facing Service

Get Ready to Face the Future: BTA National Meeting Highlights Major Issues Facing Service

  • Kenneth Edmonds

  • 2 minute read

At the BTA National Meeting in March of this year, there were two topics I thought were hugely important for the service department. Let’s dive in and see why they matter so much and what effects they could have on service.

Strategic Shock, Surviving the Inevitable Crisis

The event’s keynote address was given by Ret. 1st Sgt. Matt Eversmann. His name may be familiar since he was one of the key characters in the book (and subsequent movie) “Black Hawk Down.”

He began by relating how he wound up in the Army Rangers and what he learned in his early days. One thing that stuck with me was his statement that the Rangers did the same things the rest of the army did—they marched, shot and learned to fight. He said the difference was they did the basics at a Ph.D. level.

This concept is important in the service department because the marketplace is more demanding and the competitive forces are increasing. Most of what you do, every other service department also does. In difficult times, survival may depend on your ability to provide better service than the competition.

So the question to ask yourself, is “Do we do the basics at the PH.D. level?”. Do you settle for average, or do you and every team member understand the importance of continually raising the bar and becoming better at caring for the customer and maintaining equipment? Your survival may be at stake.

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